Contract Terms

Contract Terms


These are the terms and conditions of your Contract of Employment. Please read them carefully. These documents contain all of the terms required by Section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

This contract is conditional upon the following:

• Receipt by the Company of 2 satisfactory references along with all other documentation and information required including an enhanced disclosure to work with children. Please Note: Our positions are exempt from the rehabilitations of offenders act of 1974.
• Declaration of any convictions or cautions or  any pending convictions or cautions since your last disclosure was issued to you.
• Production of a relevant disclosure from the last 12 months or application for a new DBS or PVG check for the position.
• Attendance at all training days notified to you.
• Successful completion of all Online Learning modules relevant to your role.
• Successful completion of all Performance Appraisals that take place each season.

1. Commencement of Employment
1.1 Your employer is The Kings Foundation (Company or we). Your employment with the Company commences on the date shown on your contract which is personal to you.
1.2 The first week of your employment shall be a probationary period during which your work will be evaluated and your employment may be terminated during this period at any time on one week’s prior notice.

2. Job Title & Duties
2.1 Your Job Title is shown on your contract. Your duties are set out in a job description appropriate to your Job Title.
2.2 You may be required to undertake other duties from time to time as we may reasonably require.
2.3 You warrant that you are entitled to work in the UK and will notify the Company immediately if you cease to be so entitled at any time during your employment.
2.4 Whilst working hours of work notified to you by the Company and / or engaged on Company activities outside your specific hours of work, you shall commit your whole time and attention to the business of the Company.
2.5 You must not contact any customers of the Company or invite them to any non Company activities without the prior express written permission of the Company and such will be regarded as gross misconduct. Further, any attempt by customers of the Company to contact you outside of your working hours must be reported to the Company by you as soon as possible. Failure to do so may be regarded as gross misconduct. The reason for this is to ensure the highest standards of child protection and for your own protection.
2.6 Your details may be shared with Ofsted and other local authorities in line with requirements of registration on the Ofsted Childcare Voluntary Register

3. Place Of Work

3.1 Your normal place of work is stated in your contract. Due to the nature of the work to be performed under this contract you may frequently be required to carry out your duties at an alternative location within a reasonable travelling distance.

4. Salary
4.1 You will only be paid for hours that you work. Your hourly rate is shown on the contract. You will be paid monthly in arrears directly in to your bank or building society account. You will be notified of specific payroll dates in advance.
4.2 We shall be entitled to deduct from your pay or other payments due to you any money which you may owe to the Company at any time and you agree to this. This includes but is not restricted to: the cost of uniform, DBS/PVG disclosure, the cost of replacing property belonging to the Company damaged, neglected or stolen by you, the costs of the Company reimbursing any third party for damage caused by you to third party property.

5. Hours Of Work
5.1 You have no normal hours of work and your hours will vary depending upon the need of the Company. We take bookings right up to the start date of the camp so it is impossible at the recruitment stage to predict exactly how many children we will have attending and in turn what the associated staffing levels will be.  The Company expects all of our staff to be available for work between the hours of 8am to 6pm, however once the rota details have been communicated by your manager the week before, you are free to make arrangements outside of those working hours.

5.2 Your rota detailing working hours will be provided to you on a weekly basis and the Company will give you as much notice as is reasonably possible of the actual hours that you are required to work and it is possible that daily hours may differ within the week.

5.3 The Company is under no obligation to provide you with work, or to provide you with a minimum number of hours of work each day or each week.

5.4 In respect of working hours rota’d to you:
(a) You are obliged to complete it and commit fully to it; and
(b) You will be entitled to an unpaid lunch break of 20 minutes for every day on which your working hours exceed six hours or where you work hours before and after the scheduled lunch break for the group with which you are working on that day.

5.5 You are required at all times to comply with our rules, policies and procedures

5.6 Bank staff will generally be used to cover peaks of child numbers on specific days throughout a season and less likely to be limited to one location.

6. Holidays
6.1 You are entitled to holiday of 5.6 weeks per year which is pro rata’d based on the number of hours worked. Due to the temporary nature of your employment this is included in your hourly rate.

7. Sickness Absence
7.1 If you have accepted an offer of work but are subsequently unable to work the hours agreed, you must notify Head Office of the reason for your absence as soon as possible but no later than 09:00am on the first day of absence.

8. Termination And Notice Period
8.1 We shall be entitled to dismiss you at any time without notice or payment in lieu of notice if you commit a serious breach of your obligations as an employee, or if you cease to be entitled to work in the United Kingdom.

9. Restrictions
9.1 During employment you must not compete with the Company in any way whether on your own or with any third party. Further, you may not whilst an employee take any steps in preparation to compete with the Company.
9.2 You shall not use or disclose to any person, either during or at any time after your employment, any confidential information about the business including business contacts, customers, lists of staff or any other matters which may come to your knowledge in the course of your employment.

10. Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
10.1 Your attention is drawn to the disciplinary and grievance procedures applicable to your employment, which are available here. These procedures do not form part of your contract of employment.
10.2 If you wish to appeal against a disciplinary decision you may apply in writing in accordance with our disciplinary procedure.
10.3 We reserve the right to suspend you with pay for the purposes of investigating any allegation of misconduct or neglect against you.
10.4 If you wish to raise a grievance you may apply in writing to Head of Recruitment in accordance with our grievance procedure.

11. Deductions
11.1 All employees aged 16 or over, under State Pension age and earning above the earnings threshold are liable to pay a standard rate of National Insurance and Income tax.

12. Collective Agreement
There is no collective agreement which directly affects your employment.

13. Changes To Your Terms Of Employment
We reserve the right to make reasonable changes to any of your terms of employment. You will be notified in writing of any change as soon as possible and in any event within one month of the change.

14. Company Property
14.1 All documents, manuals, hardware and software provided for your use by the Company, shall be returned on completion or termination of your contract.

15. Third Party Rights
The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this agreement. No person other than you and the Company shall have any rights under this agreement and this agreement shall not be enforceable by any person other than you and the Company.